Heterochromia — Little known facts & 10 famous celebs who have it

5 min readApr 23, 2021


Is it possible to have different colours in both of your eyes? Yes, and it is called heterochromia iridium. It is a rare condition affecting 6 out of 1000 individuals. It is possible to have a different colour in both eyes. It can be from birth or developed while growing or it was caused by an eye injury.

This condition is very common in animals. You must have seen cats with one green and one blue eye.

The iris gets the colour from melanin, a type of pigment in our body. Usually, the colour of our eyes is uniform for both of our eyes. Sometimes, due to the mutation of genes that determine melanin distribution, there are different pigments on your eyes. In domestic animals, this mutation is caused because of the lack of genetic diversity. However, in the case of humans, it is not so. This can be hereditary, or issues caused during birth or pregnancy or any underlying diseases. Affected eyes can be hyperpigmented (rich in pigments) or hypopigmented (lack of pigments).

Type of Heterochromia Iridis

It is of three main types -

  1. Complete Heterochromia — One eye is of a completely different colour. One eye can be darkly pigmented like brown and another one is lighter shades like blue. Or it can be lighter shades in both eyes like a shade of blue and green.
  2. Sectoral Heterochromia — Only a part of the eye is of a different colour. You might have a complete brown for one eye and another eye has a golden pigment on a part of the iris.
  3. Central Heterochromia — In this, the outer ring is of a different colour than the inner ring of your eye.

Heterochromia is not a vision disorder. It doesn’t affect your eyes in most cases. You can get eye surgery to change your eye colour if it bothers you.

Causes of Heterochromia

Congenital heterochromia can be because of genetic mutation and with no underlying issues. However, some cases of genetic heterochromia can be because of Waardenburg syndrome, Horner’s syndrome etc.

Acquired heterochromia can be from an eye injury, glaucoma, eye cancer or certain medicines like Xalatan.

Famous Celebrities with heterochromia

1. Mila Kunis

Black Swan actress Mila Kunis has heterochromia. It is very less conspicuous as you wouldn’t notice it at all without someone pointing it out. Mila Kunis suffered from chronic inflammation in the iris. She nearly went blind in one eye. It was so negligible that hardly anybody noticed it. After surgery, the discolouration in her eyes has stayed. Try to check it yourself because I can hardly tell which eye is it.

2. Kiefer Sutherland

The Designated Survivor actor has complete heterochromia with one blue eye and another green eye.

3. Jane Seymour

Dr Quinn Medicine woman starer has complete heterochromia with brown and green eyes. It is hard to notice it when she is such a gorgeous lady in her 70s.

4. Alice Eve

The Star Trek actress has complete heterochromia with one blue eye and one green eye. One fun fact, it took nine months for her boyfriend to notice her eye colour.

5. Henry Cavill

Superman has heterochromia too. You might have noticed it behind his glasses in Clark Kent’s role. One of his eyes has a brown pigment on his mostly blue eyes. He has sectoral heterochromia.

6. Benedict Cumberbatch

Were you mesmerised by Sherlock’s heterochromatic eyes? Benedict has a combination of blue and green eyes. They appear green sometimes and sometimes blue because of the light. This type of heterochromia is called sectoral heterochromia

7. Simon Pegg

The Shaun of the dead actor Simon Pegg has sectoral heterochromia with brown flecks in one of his blue eyes.

8. Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde has central heterochromia with grey-blue eyes and green inner rings.

9. Robert Downey, Jr.

Iron Man has chocolate brown flecks in both his eyes.

10. Wentworth Miller

The prison break actor has complete heterochromia with one blue and another green eye.

Do you have Heterochromia too?

Your eyes are pretty. There are many celebrities and famous people with heterochromatic eyes. And you are not the only one. It’s rare, not weird. Go out with confidence. If somebody mocks you for your eyes, they are just jealous. Don’t mind such people. You can match your unique eyes with stylish glasses and look even more fabulous.

If you are looking for glasses online then check out our collection of glasses and match them with your unique eyes.




Written by Specscart.

Specscart is a revolutionary eyewear company that’s on a mission to make eyeglasses a fast fashion accessory. Check us out at specscart.co.uk

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