Vision Therapy| Is it effective?
Can it get rid of glasses?
Not all glasses can solve all eye problems. Glasses only provide vision correction. Without glasses, you will continue to suffer vision issues. And surgery changes the anatomy of your eyes to facilitate vision. In the case of children, they are too young for surgery, and they hardly wear glasses. You cannot help but worry for them.
Vision therapy can help in improving visual abilities. Also, some vision problems like eye alignment can be improved with this therapy.
What is Vision Therapy?
Vision therapy is a customised activity to improve specified visual functions and does not require any surgeries or drugs. It is physical therapy for the entire functioning of the eyes. This therapy includes using prisms, optical charts, metronomes, filters, balance boards and even video games.
For success, this therapy requires the active participation of the eye doctor, the patient and the parents in the case of children. This therapy helps with eye conditions that cannot be treated with just glasses or surgeries.
For instance, issues with eye alignment can be improved with vision therapy. Specific activities or exercises targeted to improve eye alignment can be very effective than cheap prescription glasses or eye patches.
Is Vision Therapy Effective?
Vision therapy is suggested by many eye doctors as an alternative. While many doctors doubt the efficiency of this therapy. This therapy does not have much evidence to prove its effectiveness.
Vision therapy is not simply eye exercises. This is undertaken under the supervision of an optometrist and evidence-based scientific research. It is different from the online vision therapy exercises at home. There are generally three types of vision therapy -
- Orthoptic vision therapy — It consists of eye exercises to improve binocular function. It is undertaken in the presence of an optometrist, and only scientifically backed activities are undertaken. This is non-surgical, does not use any drugs and only includes activities that help in improving vision ailments like amblyopia.
- Behavioural or perceptual vision therapy — It consists of visual processing and visual perceptions. This is not proven by any scientific research. It includes exercises like focusing on the pencil tip.
- Eye exercises to correct myopia or prevent near-sightedness This is also not evidence-backed.
Orthoptic vision therapy is generally advised by doctors for the improvement of refractive errors, strabismus, amblyopia or convergence insufficiency.
How can vision therapy help?
- It improves visual skills and abilities
- It improves visual comfort and efficiency
- It changes visual processing or interpretation of visual information
Vision therapy is effective in these eye conditions -
Strabismus — It is proved that vision therapy can improve convergence insufficiency, a type of strabismus. In this eye condition, it is difficult to keep eyes aligned while reading.
Amblyopia — Lazy eyes can be improved using specifically designed video games, a new form of vision therapy. This can help in attaining normal visual acuity.
Eye Movement disorder — Accuracy while reading or any close vision work can be improved with certain vision therapy activities.
Binocular Vision Problems — Most eye alignment problems can be treated with vision therapy exercises.
Computer Eye Syndrome — Digital eye strain and other eye problems because of excessive use of computers can also be reduced with vision therapy. You can buy online glasses with blue light lenses for this issue. If glasses do not work for you, you can consider vision therapy.
How vision therapy works
The activities are devised to improve the functioning of your eye and treat a specific eye problem. It also works on your brain to adapt you to get corrected vision. It induces neurological changes to the brain that improves visual performance.
The brain is capable of neuroplasticity. The brain can adapt to the surroundings and function according to the external stimulus. In this therapy, the activities and the devised exercises trigger the brain to function in that particular way. By doing this, eye movement problems can be solved.
Vision therapy for learning disabilities
Children can develop learning disabilities which can be from undiagnosed vision issues. Get a comprehensive eye test to know the actual reason and get the treatment accordingly.
For learning disabilities like dyslexia, vision therapy can be a versatile approach. There isn’t much research done to prove vision therapy or improving vision can help with learning disabilities.
Vision therapy for sports
This therapy improves abilities or skills related to sports activities. It is called vision training instead of vision therapy. By doing this, you can enhance your vision or reflexes. This is a set of specially devised activities that improve skills for specific sports activities. Some of the exercises are similar to orthoptic vision therapy.
Can you get rid of glasses?
Not entirely. This therapy can improve eye movement issues. If your visual acuity issue stems from eye movement and focussing problems, you can get rid of your glasses. But if you have myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia, your eye prescription will not change much. You will need glasses most of the time.