Are Transition Lenses Worth The Hype?

4 min readMar 1, 2021


When it comes to giving better vision along with UV protection, transition glasses win the game every time.

Transition lenses or photochromic lenses darken in the presence of sunlight and block UV rays. This means that you won’t have to switch between glasses on sunny days and you’ll have a little more space in your bag.

But, are transition glasses worth your money? And are they always as useful as they seem to be?

When you think of transition glasses, we bet you could only think of the many benefits they have. But there are a few drawbacks that you possibly don’t know of. We have put together a little information about transition lenses that will help you make an informed and calculated decision.

But before we dive deep into the pros and cons of these glasses, let’s know how they work.

Transition lenses: How the magic happens

If you find science boring, we apologise for what’s coming in this section. We’ll try not to use jargons and keep it simple for you to understand.

Transition lenses are made up of the molecules of silver halide and silver chloride that change structure when reacted with UV rays.

When these molecules recalibrate at the same time, the lenses appear darker. The change in structure also ensures that the right amount of light reaches your eyes whether it is daylight or a cloudy sky.

Transition lenses have been around since the 1960s but the process used to take over a minute. But with the technical advances in the eyewear industry, the transition process is only a matter of seconds now.

These lenses remain clear indoors and work as prescription glasses in the absence of UV light and turn visibly dark when you are under the sun.

If your transition glasses don’t turn dark even when you are driving in the blazing daylight, it’s because the windshield of your car filters out most of the UV light.


If you wear transition glasses, you probably already know their many benefits. Here are some of the most common advantages that the transitions bring to the table:


One of the biggest reasons why people go chasing after transition glasses is because they fit their pockets. You don’t have to buy a separate pair of eyeglasses and sunglasses when you can simply buy transitions and get the best of both worlds.


What is the most common dilemma you face on sunny days? Do you often carry around two pairs of glasses — one for vision and one for sun protection?

This situation is quite normal and annoying for the bespectacled folks. However, transition lenses are here to take that pain away. They will give you a clearer vision along with the best possible protection against the UV light.

Sometimes people can get too occupied that they forget to swap their eyeglasses for shades. But when you have transitions on, you won’t have to keep track of these little things.

You won’t lose your glasses

What’s easier to handle — two pairs of glasses or just one?

When you have eyeglasses and sunglasses, you will most probably lose one of them (although we wish that never happens to you). But, in the hustle of alternating between your spectacles and sunnies, there are more chances of either losing or misplacing one of them.

Better eye protection

Are your regular prescription glasses able to block the UV light?

We all want the best value for our money and transition glasses give that value. They give you a better vision and shield your eyes from the UV rays. People often doubt the effectiveness of transitions. But, they filter out maximum UV light just like a good pair of sunglasses would do.

Better than tinted glasses

One eyewear that comes close to the multi-tasking ability of transitions, they are tinted glasses. But, one particular criteria where the formal beats the latter is vision experience. While tinted glasses are also good for vision and UV protection, tints that are too dark can make your eyes even more sensitive to bright light. But, you won’t have any such issue with transition glasses.


After we’ve explored the good side of transition glasses, let’s know what the cons are:

Don’t work in cars

Transition lenses turn dark when exposed to the UV light. However, this light already gets blocked by the windshield of your car. This is why your transition lenses don’t change the colour when you are inside a car.

Work slowly in cold weather

The molecules on transition lenses take a little longer to react with the UV rays and change structure. As a result, your glasses will take slightly longer to change colour in cold weather.

Don’t usually come with polarisation

It’s not only the UV light that your eyes need protection from. The striking bright light of the sun causes glare when it hits a reflective surface. This glare can be blinding and may even lead to road accidents.

But, the transition glasses at Specscart are polarised keeping in mind the utmost comfort of our customers.

Not all transition lenses are good

Every brand has different photochromic lenses that have different levels of darkness and reaction times. So if you want to bag the best-quality transition lenses, you’re always welcome at Specscart.

What’s Your Pick?

Even though transition glasses have some drawbacks, you can’t undermine the value they offer. With UV blocking technology and the best vision experience, they are quite a catch when it comes to buying online glasses. Specscart has the most stylish collection of transition glasses that are full of functions and fashion.




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